Dr Mark Vanderpump's Reviews

Patient reviews Dr Mark Vanderpump

In addition to patient reviews left on third party sites I do receive lovely e-mails and letters from patients  who take the time and trouble to write to me. I am proud proud to share some of these patient reviews here:


"A massive thank you for being one of the first people to listen and care about my issues! I have lost weight, got my life back and finally feel like a normal giri again! l appreciate you taking the time to help and really appreciate you!"


"I wanted to thank you for your kindness,  support and advice when it mattered the most"


"I've always seen Dr Vanderpump and he was brilliant. I trusted him completely. He always treated me like a person and I felt like he cared. He was really calm, patient, took time explain things and looked at me in the context of other conditions and things happening in life etc. He cared - made sure I got the best care and referrals to wider areas"


"I know he battled more widely behind the scenes at the hospital too, taking on the hospital bureaucracy. These are special qualities and they're not 'standard'. I really appreciate the time he took and all the help he gave over the years. To have a consultant like that when you've got a condition that you have to deal with everyday, everything impacts on it and it's never going to go away is a big thing. (And yes, he even made me laugh)"


"A year ago today, everything went pear-shaped for me when I collapsed immediately after surgery with DKA (never having been diagnosed with diabetes). The intensivists at St J & St E called you for guidance, and I didn't die! I thought that was worth celebrating today, and wanted to thank you for being there when your expertise was so urgently needed"


"I wanted to thank you personally as you were always very courteous and made a point of giving very full explanations of (name's) condition and your proposed treatments and the reasoning behind them. You always clearly demonstrated that you had (name's) best interests at heart and that you really cared for her on a personal level. Thanks so much"


"I just wanted to say thank you to Dr Vanderpump for being the only Endocrinologist who seriously entertained the idea of weaning off the drugs and to the whole team for their efficiency which means a lot when undergoing stressful fertility treatment.

My little girl E. is now 8 months old and the struggle to get her was totally worthwhile!"


"Please thank him for being the best doctor ever. He is always so supportive and I hugely value being under his care very much"


"I would like to thank you very sincerely for all the help and support, particularly when I was very ill but also importantly since. You gave me the confidence that I could lead a normal life and just live with the disease without being ruled by it. It works!"


"Once again most warm thanks from my husband and myself to Dr Vanderpump. He is doing so much to make our situation much more acceptable"


"A huge thank you for all the help and support Dr Vanderpump has given me. The impact of the diagnosis and reviewing the person as a whole, has made a great significance to my daily life and will continue to do so with the new course of treatment"


"Thank you thank you thanks. Will you please thank the lovely Dr Vanderpump who made me feel a million times better. He is a very charming man"


Please get in touch

Please get in touch

Phone: 07565 978310